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Previous Group Rituals


Check out previous rituals here. Rituals will be posted on this page again but not until the ritual is completely finished and the intentions are put out in the universe. Please know not all rituals will be placed in the gallery. Some rituals are quicker than others and some can take days to complete.


Fall Equinox Wealth Ritual

Fall Equinox Wealth Ritual


THE TAKEOVER! Dominate the area of your choice and beat out your competition. Domination Ritual.

New Harvest Moon

New Harvest Moon Ritual. Call back your power! Collect what's yours. It's HARVEST time!

Jupiter in Taurus Retrograde Ritual

This is the Jupiter in Taurus Retrograde Ritual. Giving you an increase in your value in others eyes. Bringing forth opportunities to set a solid foundation and grow quickly.


This ritual is called Riches. Works with the root chakra in order to ground you and bring in financial abundance.

8.8 Portal Magnet Jars

8.8 Portal Magnet Jars. Included: Money, Car, House/Apt., Success, Love, Higher, Business, Lucky Mojo & Creative Magnet Jars.


3rd Pentacle of Jupiter. Treasures and Wealth


WISH! Get the assistance from spirit that you need to bring in what you desire. Bring me the missing puzzle pieces.

New Moon in Taurus Protection Ritual

This is the new moon in Taurus Ritual for protection. Each candle was handmade by me for proper intention.

New Moon in Taurus Money Ritual

This is the new moon in Taurus Ritual for money. Offerings given to Santisima for assistance. Each candle was handmade by me for proper intention.

Income Ritual

This income ritual is for yearly pay amount. Offerings to Oshun for assistance. Each candle was handmade by me for proper intention.

Blessings Jar Rituals

Blessings Jar Rituals

Money Magnet Jar

Money Magnet Jar. Draw money to you in many ways. Known and unknown.

Home/Apt. Magnet Jar

House/Apt. Magnet Jar. Get your desired dream home or apartment.

Success Magnet Jar

Success Magnet Jar. Gain success in many areas in your life to benefit your needs and desires.

Car Magnet Jar

Car Magnet Jar. Get the dream car you desire. Used or new. Also assist you with your business if you use your car to make money.

Sweetening Magnet Jar

Sweetening Magnet Jar. Sweeten up the playing field. Get those who will be in a position of power to assist you with making one of the blessings jars if not all a reality. Never do the work by yourself.

Spring Equinox Big Bank Ritual

Spring Equinox Big Bank Ritual

Soulmate Ritual

Spring Equinox Soulmate Ritual

Fixed Sign Replenish Ritual

Fixed Sign Replenish Ritual

7 day candles. Find on the website under the tab new ritual candles.

New Moon in Taurus Bonus Luck Ritual

New Moon in Taurus Bonus Luck Ritual. This portion was done by BlahSheenia69


Taurus BIRTHDAY Candle!


Sugar daddy/mama candle being made.

Union Ritual

Union Ritual. This ritual brings not only bring someone ready for love but will bring them with a great paying job/career/business. Experience love with your needs met.

Money Pot Ritual

This is the money pot ritual. This ritual brings in a large abundance of money. This one is not rushed money but consistent money. Helping you to stay on top of bills, stay afloat, bringing in money in large sums.

Opportunity Ritual

Opportunity Ritual. This ritual provides an opportunity of spirit's choice. No blockages or delays because you have no idea what spirit will give that you desperately need.

Fast Cash Ritual

Fast Cash Ritual This ritual brings in quick money that is needed right now. Either by physical money or through gifts.

Fast Cash Overload

Fast Cash Overloaded Get quick cash in large sums immediately.


Money Ritual

Oshun Feast Day Ritual

Oshun Feast Day Beauty, Love and Blessings Ritual

Sponsor/Sugar Daddy/Mama RitualG_3568

This ritual brings in a potential lover that has BIG money. Someone to come in and sponsor (pay) for your lifestyle. Nothing is free in this world. So this is not the ritual to not give in return.

Road Opener for Financial Success

Road Opener for Financial Abundance Ritual

Power 7 day candle
Big Bank Ritual
New Love Ritual

New Love Ritual

Full moon/ eclipse ritual in Taurus

Full Moon/Eclipse Ritual in Taurus


Lionsgate Ritual (8/8 Portal)


Fertility Ritual

Wealth Ritual
Full Moon in Taurus/ Lunar Eclipse Ritual

Big Bank Ritual (Financial Blessing)

New Moon Wealth Ritual

Financial Abundance Ritual

Leo New Moon Ritual
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